Origin: Unknown
trueUse: Walikuwa mtu mbili kavu = They were only two people
Period: Unknown
Synonyms: Loso
Pronounciation: (Adverb) [ kaa-vuu ]
Relate: Counting
Variations: -,
History: Derived from Swahili word "Kavu" that means "dry", Meaning : ThousandWord use : Hiyo rodhi ni kavu mbili = That pair of trousers is 2,000 Word period: Late 2000Word related to: MoneyWord synonyms: Tenga, Thao, , Word Origin : Gikosh Histo ya word. Possibly a play of the Sheng word "Kavu" which also means "only" hence used as usually refered to in money terms "one thousand ONLY"
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